
Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course

Adults 18 and older, wishing to upgrade their non-restricted PAL to obtain a restricted firearm (generally a handgun) must also take the Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course and test.

As of July 17th, 2015 young people are no longer permitted to take the restricted course or test.

This all inclusive course is a minimum of 6 hours in length, and costs $213.10 if taken by itself.  However, if you complete the non-restricted course and the restricted course within 30 days, I am able to reduce the course to 4 hours of instruction and reduce the price of both courses to $360.00 ($66.20 savings)

This course covers topics such as:

restricted firearms - handgun with ammunition

  • the major parts, types and actions of restricted firearms and how they’ve developed over time
  • safety practices for firearms and proper storage, transportation and handling
  • types of ammunition
  • firing techniques and procedures with practical training a simulated training environment that allows students to practice shooting without the use of live ammunition
  • responsibilities of a restricted firearm owner/user

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