Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What Do I Do Next?  I Just Finished My Firearms &/or Hunting Course.
Please see the information in this attachment for what you will need to do next now that you have completed the Non-Restricted/Restricted Firearms Course or the Ontario Hunter Education Course:  What Do I do Next – I Just Finished My Course

To get your 1st PAL Application Form click here:  PAL Application – My 1st Licence

Did Bill C-71 change when I need to get a paper ATT to transport Restricted or Prohibited Firearms?  YES !!!
Here is a bulletin issued on July 30th, 2021 to RPAL Licence Holders.  This is very important information for RPAL holders.  READ ASAP:  Bill C-71

2021 MOOSE HUNTING IN ONTARIO – The new Point System
Here is a Fact Sheet so you can understand the new Moose Licencing Point System:  2021 Moose Application Process

Must I take the Firearm Safety Course or may I challenge the test?
Both the non-restricted and restricted firearms courses are now mandatory. Challenging the tests is no longer permitted.

I only want to shoot handguns. Am I able to take just the restricted course?
No, the non-restricted course is a prerequisite to the restricted course.


Can my 12-year-old take the Firearms or Hunting Course?
Yes, the courses are designed for people 12 years and older.  Simply click on this link & fill in this form:  Consent Form – Youth taking the Firearms Course

Consent Form – Under 16 Years Hunting Education

Then parents may apply for a Minor’s Licence, for children 12-17 years, to permit their child to possess a firearm under supervision.  Call Cathy Tingey at 1-800-731-4000 ext: 7548 to obtain information or an application.

What is the One-Stop Program?
The One-Stop Program is where a person may come to one instructor and conveniently receive training in “One Place” for both Non-Restricted Firearms & Hunter Education.

I only want to hunt with a bow, must I take the PAL course?
No, you are not required to take the PAL course unless you want to hunt with a gun.

I want to hunt with a handgun, is that possible?
No, hunting with a handgun in Canada is not permitted.

Do I receive my licences after taking your courses?
No.  The courses qualify you to make an application to the Federal Government for a Possession & Acquisition Firearms Licence called a PAL or to the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry for an Ontario Hunting Outdoors Card.

What qualifies you to teach these courses?
In Ontario, the Chief Firearms Officer has designated me to teach and examine the Canadian Firearms Courses (PAL), and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry has designated me to teach and examine the Ontario Hunter’s Education Course.

How are course prices determined?
Prices are set by the Chief Firearms Officer for the PAL courses, and instructors use the fees charged in both PAL & Hunting courses to support program staff, renting facilities, paying other instructors, supplying quality firearms and training equipment and more. As a result, firearm programs in Ontario are supported through this user-pay system.

Do you still have questions? Just go to the contact page and give Matt a call or email to get answers to any hunting and firearms related questions.


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