Non-Restricted PAL Course – August 22, 2021


This course runs on Saturday from 8 am to approx. 5:30 pm (testing follows immediately thereafter)

Please Note:  Anyone under a Firearm’s Prohibition Order may not take this course

This course will be taught at the Acton Town Hall Center 19 Willow Street North, Acton, on the 2nd floor

Your fee includes your course, manual, testing, all taxes and is broken down below:

Includes Non-Restricted PAL Course ($170) with 13% HST ($22.10)


-1 Spots Available

Includes Course Book with 5% GST


-1 Spots Available



This is the course you need to take to own and use non-restricted firearms. Most common for those wanting to hunt with a rifle or shotgun.

There will be a training portion and an examination to test your knowledge. After successfully completing this course you’ll be able to apply for your Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) from the Federal government.

If you’re interested in also taking the Restricted Firearms course, you can save over $60 when you take both courses within 30 days of each other. Just add a Non-Restricted and Restricted Firearms course that take place within 30 days of each other and the discount will be automatically applied.


Want more details about the course? Go to the non-restricted firearms course info page.